Know how Leaders practise Better communication with Better listening skill

Listening is a common trait that’s kept underrated and undeveloped by everyone, but this is not the same with the global leaders who acquire tremendous knowledge while listening to thousands of meetings and discussions with people. Do you now, not every Founder or CEO or an Executive has sufficient time to study all projects from multiple departments ( Finance, Production, Operations, Accounting, Sales, Marketing, Human resources anwp-1469537183644.jpgd  etc) and come up with solutions necessary to grow companies. Yet, they get all inputs from all grounds while taking part in crucial decision meetings and covering all departments concerns. And you know how they do, yes, its through frequent meetings conducted by the dedicated branch heads or department leads giving a wide coverage of specific company’s division growth on all parameters.

Research shows that people engage 70 – 80% their day in various forms of communication , and which 55% is dedicated to listening. Research also says that, although after having careful intensive listening to speakers views ,a listener can only retain  17% to 25% of facts or ideas from the speech.

Well, we know that numbers and pictures speak more than thousand words, which are highly regarded and considered to strengthen the company’s eventual growth. Now, leaders are very much guided by these regular meetings and take appropriate decision to lead further. What is the key element they do to grasp significant insights from the meeting and discuss best possible methods with the department leads? Certainly, it’s their ability to listen attentively. It’s not the usual listening that happens to forget the valuable information  after few hours, but, it’s called as 360 degrees listening  or intensive listening. They immerse deeply into the subject and that they provide their validation by questioning  speaker from various perspective and gain great exposure on the subject.

Recommended read – If a person has not acquired these listening skills, his ability to understand and retain what he hears will be low.

Here’s where the communication meets its best approach by – ‘Listening- Speaking – Listening’. This is how a better speaker is a better listener. Now, it is perhaps wrong to think that having a best communication skill is only proficiency in speaking, writing and reading, but, otherwise it is the other completed form of better listening and be a better speaker and then be a better leader.

Let me know what kind of listening techniques do you implement to balance your relationships with peers, friends, business partners , subordinates and family  and enhance the scope of grasping relevant facts and ideas as knowledge shared with you.

See you again with another Better formula of the day post!

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